Jun 10, 2024 | Build Community, Nature's Lessons
Forging Strategic Partnerships in Your Workplace Community: Learn How Nature Does It Posts Build Community Description: The symbiotic relationship between Goby Fish and Pistol Shrimp are a surprisingly useful point of reference when thinking about building smart...
Mar 22, 2017 | Nature's Lessons
The Venus Flower Basket Glass Sponge (euplectella aspergillum) is a type of deep sea animal. It’s also an endangered one. The sponge extracts silicic acid from seawater and converts it into silica, forming an elaborate skeleton of glass fibers. This ocean animal...
Dec 16, 2016 | Nature's Lessons
Any child can tell you that the whole point for a spider to weave a web is so it can catch its supper. When all grownup, the child (now adult) will go one step further and describe the spider’s web as a highly efficient method for eating dinner. After all, there’s no...
Mar 25, 2016 | Better Leading, Nature's Lessons
Mentor Like a Meerkat Taking Workplace Cues from Nature ~ Meerkats are those cute little critters that scurry about in an almost attention-deficit-hyper-active manner striking an upright posture when on the lookout for food or danger. What you may not know, however,...